Computer Representation of Building Codes for Automated Compliance Checking


Development of automated building code compliance checking systems requires appropriate representations for building codes. Building codes are complex documents written in natural languages, and the development of computable representations is challenging. This paper presents a new model and an accompanying modeling methodology for the representation of building codes that may be utilized in the development of future automated compliance checking systems. The new model combines the semantic modeling approach of the SMARTcodes project with the theoretical foundations established by Nyman and Fenves, namely the four level representation. This hybrid model organizes the representation in four levels and allows for separate modeling of domain concepts, individual rule statements, relationships between rules, and the overall organization of the building code. The model is evaluated with a case study. The İzmir Municipality Housing and Zoning Code is chosen as it is representative of complex building codes that are in effect throughout Turkey. The formalizable rules in the section of Izmir code that apply to all types of buildings, are represented in computer implementable format based on the new model. The research presented in this paper shows that decomposing a building code into four levels and modeling rules based on the semantic-oriented paradigm is an effective modeling strategy for representing building codes in a computable form.


提出的方法将SMARTcodes项目中的语义建模方法与Nyman和Fenves建立的四级表示法(four level representation)理论相结合。此混合模型将表示形式分为四级并且允许对领域概念,单个规则陈述,规则间的关系以及整个建筑规范组织进行单独建模。

通过一个研究案例评估了提出的模型。İzmir Municipality Housing and Zoning Code作为表示模型的样例,将其中可形式化的规则通过新模型用计算机形式表示。此文的研究表明将建筑规范分解为四级并且基于面向语义范式对规则建模是对于建筑规范的计算机形式化表示的一种有效建模策略。


Today, although every building project is modeled in a digital/BIM environment, compliance checking is a manual process increasing the delays as well as the risk for errors in evaluation.


Research into developing automated compliance checking systems has focused mostly on three areas: Representation of building codes in computational format, definition of building model views, and compliance checking algorithms and reporting.


Compliance checking systems primarily require appropriate computer-based models of both building codes and building designs.


Advances in BIM tools have finally established a standardized representation for building designs, even if it is currently deemed unsatisfactory. However, a standard representation for building codes is still not available.


This research focuses on the issue of building code representations and its scope is limited to it. Other issues impeding the development of automated compliance checking systems exists, such as building model extensions for code checking, and efficient querying and checking methods but they are beyond the scope of this work. Additionally, the scope is also limited to representing rules that are formalizable, i.e. can be evaluated computationally. Semi-formalizable rules that contain ambiguous statements or based on relative judgment (e.g. enough, adequate, etc.) as well as non-formalizable rules that require qualitative evaluations (e.g. aesthetic judgment) are not considered.


Related work

  • Method 1: Initial Work——Decision table
    由Fenves等人在1969年最早提出决策表的表示方法 2 3,之后该研究团队又研究了和重建了AISC(American Institute of Steel Construction)Specification,将ASIC建为四级模型4。这个建筑规范的抽象逻辑结构模型作为建模方法还被用在SASE(Standard Analysis, Synthesis and Expression)软件系统中。5
  • Method 2: Rule-based modeling approach——Expert System 6 7 8 9
  • Method 3: Object-oriented model of building codes 详情见原文,面向对象目测已经落伍

Previous building code representation research efforts mainly focused on the hard-coding approach. The main disadvantage to this approach is that it requires a high-level of expertise in computer programming to define, write and maintain building codes.


  • Method 4: Semantic modeling approach

    To overcome the deficiencies of hard-coded representation approaches, recently, attention has been directed towards the study of semantic modeling approach, which is relatively new method for knowledge representation.

    最著名的是SMARTCode project10 ,但是由于缺少资金支持而停止。

  • Method 5: Ontology-based approach11 12 13 14

  • Method 6: Combining ontology with Artificaial Intelligence(AI) and Natural Language Processing(NLP) techniques

Previous building code models do have several limitations. One limitation is not being comprehensive enough compared to the complex nature of building codes and thus lacking the capability to represent all of the various types of information in building codes. A second limitation is that some building codes are hard-coded into the systems, thus lacking flexibility, maintainability, and user control (i.e. non-programmer users cannot add/modify the rules embedded in the system). Futhermore, any change in the building code necessitates changes in all such systems. A third limitation is that there is no direct mapping between the building code documents and building code models, making consistency checking between actual building code and code model difficult. A fourth limitation is focusing only on individual rule representation ignoring the overall building code and thus lacking capability to prevent contradictions among rules.



  • Independence: 建筑规范的表示独立于合规性检查系统
  • Conciseness: 避免建筑规范表示的冗余
  • Consistency: 避免规则歧义和规则冲突
  • Comprehensiveness: 能够表示建筑规范中的各类信息(概念、需求、适用条件等)
  • Maintainability: 允许新增规则以及修改现有规则

The new building code representation

Four-level representation


  • The top level(organizational network):表示整个建筑规范的组织结构
  • The intermediate level(information network):表示建筑规范条文之间的相互以来关系
  • The detailed level:以决策表的形式表示单个条文
  • The lowest level:由条文中的基础数据项组成

尽管这种方法有扎实的理论基础,但是没有投入到实践中并且四级表示模型也没有在AEC界被广泛采纳,有两个重要的原因造成这个模型的失败,第一个是缺乏领域模型(domain model)确定领域特定对象以及它们的属性和关系,建模模型标准的缺失,导致大量数据项定义的错综复杂,也提高了建筑规范模型的复杂程度。第二个是有关建筑规范信息建模中使用的表示方法。用于规范表示的决策表和编程语言很快变得难以创建和维护,实际建筑标准太复杂而难以用这些方法表示。


Semantic representation——RASE model

以硬编码为基础的建筑规范信息表示方法对于非程序员的用户来说并不友好,在理想情况下,建筑规范的表示应该独立于合规性检查性系统,降低它们之间的耦合性。关键的问题是让不具备编程基础的建筑领域专家能够管理建筑规范的表述。语义模型的方法是一种满足上述要求的较新知识表示方法,SMARTcodes项目是该方法的一项典型案例。SMARTCode项目在2010年终止,但是该项目开发的标记概念和方法目前仍由AEC3(UK) Ltd维护。

The SMARTcodes project aims to define computable rules using simple tools that enable non-programmers to create representations by tagging actual building code texts.



  • Requirement:定义建筑物某一方面或多个方面必须满足的条件
  • Applicability:定义该规则的要求适用于建筑物的哪一方面
  • Selection:
  • Exception:

The RASE model utilizes these four constructs to identify the building code essence from the actual text of the code. Each of these four constructs has attributes such as a property, a comparator and a target value with a unit. Building code authors are able to markup these indicators that appear in the actual text of the code using SMARTcodes Builder software which creates an XML formatted version of the code

RASE模型使用这四个组成元素来确定实际规范文本中的建筑规范精髓。每一个概念都包含属性,建筑规范的作者可以通过使用SMARTcode Builder软件标记这些出现在实际文本中的indicator,从而产生XML格式的建筑规范。

对IMHZCode采用RASE方法建模,pilot study表明RASE方法给非程序员提供了一种简单的规范表示方法,并且能够修改。但是,也发现了三个缺点。第一个缺点是由于对每条规则描述单独建模,因此造成了不必要的重复和冗余。很多条规范重复描述的某个概念需要多次被标记出来,一旦某一个概念进行更新的时候还容易造成不一致的修改。在SMARTcodes 项目中,使用了external dictionary来避免不一致性。针对这个问题提出了Domain level来解决。

第二个缺点是缺少单条规则之间的明确关系。RASE方法是在包含自动合规性检查系统的更高层面上进行处理,在SMARTcodes项目中,原始文本首先被人工标记,然后标记后的文本被结构化为XML格式的表示,在最后生成自动合规性检查系统中的可计算规则(以IFC限制层级的形式)。这种对单个规则描述完全独立的的处理方法简化了解构规则,尤其是对于非程序员的规范作者。然而,由于关系表示在自动检查系统中单独进行,因此不可能独立于自动检查系统来确保整个代码表示的正确性和一致性。而且这种分散的组织形式对于规范表示的维护是不利的,有必要独立于自动检查系统表示关系。提出management level和rule-set level解决上述问题。

第三个缺点是关于RASE中的Exception组成元素。pilot study表明不需要对每一条规则的Selection和Exception元素进行单独表示。对于有Exception元素的规则,可将其表示为一条单独的规则,然后用OR逻辑关系进行链接,提出rule-set level解决该问题

The new representation


  • Domain level:原始建筑规范文本中出现的所有概念以及其属性和关系
  • Rule level: 建筑规范的单个规则描述以结构化的形式表示,使用domain level中建立的概念,基于改进的RASE方法对规则进行建模
  • Rule-set level:规则对象之间的关系形成规则集
  • Management level:通过连接和分类规则集反映建筑规范模型的整体组织结构

Domain level

Domain level是混合模型的最底层,以面向对象的方法表示建筑规范文本中的概念和实体。

Automated compliance checking systems assess building projects after mapping these concepts and entities in the build code representation to objects that constitute a building project.

首先独立于规则外,定义领域特定的概念和实体以及其属性和关系从而创建领域模型(这里可以理解为BIM)。领域模型可以作为建筑规范建模过程中的对象库。例如RASE方法中的applicability元素就可以从这个领域对象库中选取填充。domain level解决了当多条规则涉及到同一个概念多次的时候引起的冗余,而且有利于揭示领域特定信息及其如何映射到建筑模型。

Rule level

单独的规则陈述采用改进的RASE constructs以结构化的数据形式表示为规则对象(rule object)。规则陈述的语义用这些规则对象捕捉。每一条规则对象决定了一组领域模型对象的属性requirement,每一个requirement由特定的比较方法和值确定。
每一个规则对象(rule object)必须有一个需求对象(Requirement object)而且有若干个选择对象(Selection object)
Requirement objec和Selection object含有两个construct,”subject”和”predicate”。subject包含两个基本元素: a concept,a property(例如door-height),predicate包含三个基本元素:a comparator, a value, a unit。

Rule-set level

混合模型的第三级是rule-set level,用于定义单个规则对象间的关系。对于一个实体根据条件的变化,需要受限于多个Requirement。在新模型中,多个相关的rule object使用AND和OR逻辑连接组成可计算的rule-set。AND逻辑表示某一个概念的属性需要同时满足不同的值,OR逻辑表示在某一个概念要求值根据不同情况而定。rule-set level是rule-set对象的集合,这个rule-set模型是对单个rule object的逻辑连接。

Management level

Management level以不同的形式组织rule-set objects。可以以原始建筑规范篇章的顺序组织,也可以根据规则限制的概念的类型的分类来组织。Management level允许不同的组织网络形式同时存在,同时也允许不同类型的建筑规范集合在一起从而挖掘可能存在的冲突。

Building code modeling methodology


  • Stage 1:分析建筑规范以确定什么东西在自动合规性检查当中需要明确表示,并且记录有多少建筑规范可以可靠的建模。
  • Stage 2:使用开发的表示模型表示建筑规范
  • Stage 3:使用合规性检查系统对建筑规范模型进行实现

Analysis Stage


  • Determination of scope
  • Decomposition of the building code
  • Classification of the rule statements

Determination of the scope


Decomposition of the building code


Classification of the rule statements

在最后一个阶段,将rule statements分类从而记录有多少规范以及什么类型的规范可以建模。该步骤的输出结果是一个简单的表,列出了所有可以用计算机实现格式表示的rules。在一步的工作需要建筑规范领域专家和软件工程师的交叉学科协作(Cross-disciplinary collaboration)。

Representation Stage

建筑规范表示的总体结构分为两种:一种是依据建筑信息模型的结构表示,一种是依据建筑规范的结构表示。前者可以实现更快的rule execution,而后者可以实现更快的code generation以及higher level of maintainability。在该研究中使用了依据建筑规范结构的表示。在确定了建筑规范表示的结构后,即以开发的表示模型对建筑规范建模。

Representation of domain concepts


  1. Extracting and listing the concepts and entities referenced in the building code document
  2. Identifying the required attributes of the objects and determining the relationships between them
  3. Implementing the representation as a library of objects in a computer-based form.(Existing frameworks such as the IFC may be utilized in this implementation stage.)
  1. 抽取和列出建筑规范文本中涉及到的概念和实体
  2. 确定对象需要的属性并且确定对象间的关系
  3. 实现对象库的计算机形式表示(可以使用现存的IFC框架)

这一步的输出结果是一个领域模型(domain model)用于在第二步规则建模中使用。需要注意的是,可以全部以面向对象的方法表示,例如kitchen door作为door的子集,但是这种方法会增加领域模型的复杂程度。也可以将kitchen door映射到所有relatedSpace属性值为kitchen的door对象上,创建一个概念映射表(concept-mapping table)。为了避免产生大量的特殊子类,采用了后者。

Representation of rule statements

将建筑规范中的individual rule statement建立为rule object的结构化数据形式。这些rule objects形成rule level。

Representation of relationships between rules

与同一subject相关的related rule objects使用逻辑连接在一起形成可计算的rule-sets。这些rule-sets形成rule-set level。

Representation of the building code organization

将第三步中的rule-set objects分类形成整个建筑规范表示的组织。

Implementation stage


Implementation of the building code model

在合规性检查应用中实际实现建筑规范的表示。迄今为止,由典型的BIM平台创建的建筑信息模型不包括大多建筑规范所需要的细节等级(level of detail)。应确定建筑规范领域模型的需求,并将其用于增强BIM标准(IFC),以便进行合适的数据交换。领域模型作为表示的第一层实际上体现了构建建筑领域模型的需求,应该分析从建筑信息模型中可以获得多少需要的数据。

Testing and validation

The Building code model should be evaluated in terms of the three requisite properties found in literature (completeness, uniqueness, and correctness). These requisites are used to evaluate whether building code models are appropriately represented in computational format by most of the research on representation of building codes.


  • Completeness, meaning that the code model can be applied to all possible situations (conditions) within its scope;
  • Uniqueness, meaning that the model has no redundant rules and has no contradicting rules and generates the same unique result every time, when applied under a given set of conditions;
  • Correctness (clarity), meaning that the result of applying the model must be consistent with the objective of the building code.

Case study(implementation and evaluation)

Analysis of IMHZCode

Representation of IMHZCode

Domain objects and concept mapping list

Rule objects

Rule-set objects

Rule-set group objects






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本文标题:Computer Representation of Building Codes for Automated Compliance Checking


发布时间:2019年02月10日 - 16:02

最后更新:2019年02月10日 - 17:02


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